Vickie started Hands In Service Massage Therapy in 2004 out of the desire to help others discover the same kind of health benefits in massage therapy that she has. She has dealt with back problems for years, so she has great empathy for those who come to her in pain. Consistent massage has been the most successful treatment that has helped keep her healthy and she has seen massage do the same for many of her clients. The key is CONSISTANT massage. She has worked with clients over the years who suffer from chronic pain, and it has been the ones who stay on a regular schedule of massage that have received the greatest benefit. 

Part of Vickie's job is to help you figure out what schedule is right for your body's needs. She looks forward to working with you and helping you get the most out of your massage experience!

Call our office at 620-655-5040 to schedule your massage with Vickie.

Hands In Service

Therapeutic Massage

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Samantha is a Certified Massage Therapist who began working at Hands In Service Massage after graduating from Bellus Academy in 2021.  

Call our office at 620-655-5040 or go online to schedule your massage with Samantha today!
Vickie Postlewait, CMT, Owner
Samantha Frost, CMT
Jessica Williammee, CMT
Jessica is a Certified Massage Therapist who has been working at Hands In Service Massage since 2019.  She is a 2017 graduate from Bellus Academy. 

Call our office at 620-655-5040 or go online to schedule your massage with Jessica today!